Terms & Conditions

PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY. THESE TERMS CONSTITUTE A BINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND POMEGRANATE, A PROJECT OF THE BEZOS FAMILY FOUNDATION (“POMEGRANATE"), FOR THE USE OF THE POMEGRANATE APPLICATION (THE "APPLICATION") AND ANY RELATED POMEGRANATE WEB OR MOBILE SITES OR ONLINE OR MOBILE SERVICES WHICH LINK TO THESE TERMS (THE "SITES"). BY DOWNLOADING, USING OR ACCESSING THE APPLICATION OR THE SITES, YOU AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND BY ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THESE TERMS. Pomegranate reserves the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Use at any time and in its sole discretion by providing notice the Terms of Use have been modified. Such notice may be provided by sending an email, by posting a notice on the Site or in the Application, by posting the revised Terms of Use on the Site and revising the date at the top of these Terms of Use or by such other form of notice as determined by Pomegranate. Your continued use of the Application or the Sites following the posting of the revised Terms of Use or other notice of such changes will confirm your acceptance of such changes or modifications.

All questions or comments about the Application or the Sites should be directed to app@Pomegranate.org